You've got questions? We have answers to many of the common ones. If you still need help feel free to contact us.

What do I get when I purchase a course?

As soon as you complete the checkout process you will receive an email with:

  • Payment confirmation.
  • A digital download link. Click the link and you will be able to download your purchased course in PDF format.
  • A follow up course evaluation form.
  • Upon completion of evaluation form, a formal Certificate of Completion will be sent as well.

How do you handle sensitive customer information?

NPCME uses a third party shopping cart solution and does not store any sensitive customer data. Only your email will be saved by NPCME for accounting purposes.

Do you offer refunds?

NPCME stands by the quality of the materials we provide. Having said that, we do not offer refunds as we are confident that you will have received a quality education.

Have any questions?
Contact us.

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